Creator Codes
Creator codes allow your customers to support your streamers, YouTubers and other influencers while removing all the headaches around handling payouts. You're able to create a code that will automatically send a predefined percentage of the payment to your creator's wallet; you can even give customers discounts on their own purchase for using a code!
An additional 1% fee on any payment using a creator code applies.
The cap of the Creator Code Revenue Share is 20% (it can be anything lower) to ensure that there are no payments (as breakdowns of shares/fees differ based on each transaction's payment method, game type, country VAT etc.) that leave a creator potentially with nothing.
If you offer Gift Cards for sale on your Tebex Store with a linked discount for customers, this discount will be invalid on payments involving Gift Cards.
How Do Creators Get A Wallet?
When creating a Creator Code you will have to specify the creators wallet reference - this is so we know where to send the funds. Provide the following instructions to your creators so they're able to get this information to you:
Create a Tebex account.
Setup your wallet either as an individual or as a registered business.
Add your payout information.
To find your wallet reference (to provide to the store owner) go to Withdraw and then click Your Details. Your wallet reference is listed in the popup window.
Provide your wallet reference to the owner of the store who's creator code scheme you're participating in.
Transaction Settlement Period
When receiving payments to your Wallet via a Creator Code, please note that the default settling period for these transactions is 30 working days.
Custom Template Additions
If you wish to allow customers to provide a creator code via your webstore, please add the following code to your custom template.
Creator codes can only be provided if the customer has a basket, therefore we advise adding this code to checkout.html.
Last updated