Get all coupons
Return a paginated list of coupons on your account.
Name | Type | Description |
X-Tebex-Secret | string | The secret key of a server. |
Get a coupon
Get a coupon by ID.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
id | string | The coupon ID. |
Name | Type | Description |
X-Tebex-Secret | string | The secret key of a server. |
Create a coupon
Create a coupon code.
Name | Type | Description |
X-Tebex-Secret | string | The secret key of a server. |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
code | string | The code of the coupon. |
effective_on | string | What this coupon should be effective on, either "package", "category" or "cart". |
packages | array | An array of package IDs this coupon should apply to. Only used if effective_on is "package". |
categories | array | An array of category IDs this coupon should apply to. Only used if effective_on is "category". |
discount_type | string | "percentage" or "value". |
discount_amount | integer | The currency amount to discount. |
discount_percentage | integer | The percentage amount to be discounted. |
redeem_unlimited | boolean | Can the coupon be redeemed an unlimited amount of times. |
expire_never | boolean | Should the coupon ignore the expire_date. |
expire_limit | number | Only used if redeem_unlimited is false. |
expire_date | string | Only used if |
start_date | string | The start date of the coupon in the format of yyyy-mm-dd. |
basket_type | string | "single", "subscription", or "both". |
minimum | number | Minimum value of basket before the coupon can be redeemed. |
discount_application_method | number | 0 = Apply to each package (default), 1 = Apply to basket (before sales), 2 = Apply to basket (after sales) |
username | string | The username to restrict the coupon to. |
note | string | The note to store against the coupon. |
Delete a coupon
Delete a coupon.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
id | string | The ID of the coupon. |
Name | Type | Description |
X-Tebex-Secret | string | The secret key of a server. |
Last updated