Wallet Restrictions - Deposits & Locks
We sometimes have to restrict a wallet by temporarily holding a set amount of funds or preventing withdrawals. This is only ever performed when it is deemed necessary.
Let’s take a look into why we do this, what happens in these scenarios, and what to do if this happens to you.
What is a deposit?
A deposit is a set amount of funds that are kept in the wallet and cannot be withdrawn. As an example, if you have $200 in your wallet and a deposit of $50 has been placed, you would only be able to withdraw $150.
Deposits are a temporary measure, and we aim to remove them as soon as it’s safe to. Deposits are recalculated on the 1st of each month, and are removed when there is no longer a high risk of chargebacks (usually around 60 days). This is at Tebex’s discretion, and may be extended at any time without notice.
Deposits are set to protect both creators and Tebex when we find a period of unusual or suspicious activity on your store. For example, we may set a deposit if there is a sudden and large spike in chargebacks, or if the packages on your store violate our Acceptable Use Policy or the Creator Agreement.
The deposit is placed to ensure funds are available to cover the cost of these chargebacks. This is to prevent your wallet going into a negative balance - a negative balance could result in your store & wallet being permanently disabled/locked.
The most common reasons we may place a deposit are:
Unsupported or no deliverables on sold packages
We are unable to verify what has been sold due to a lack of information in package descriptions
The goods sold cannot be delivered by Tebex on purchase
The store has been a victim of mass chargebacks
Illegal content
Evidence of fraudulent purchases
These are subject to change at any time. We recommend keeping up to date with our Acceptable Use Policy and Creator Agreement to ensure your store is compliant.
Why do we lock wallets?
In some cases, we may need to temporarily lock a wallet, typically for 30 days. When a wallet is locked, you are unable to make any withdrawal requests.
We tend to do this when a store has been disabled abruptly, and therefore is at risk of chargebacks, or in extreme cases where our Acceptable Use Policy has been breached.
Wallet locks are non-negotiable, however these can be unlocked or extended at Tebex’s discretion.
When your wallet is due to be unlocked (you’ll be informed of this by email when your wallet is initially locked), a member of the Payments & Compliance team will review your wallet and unlock it for you within 5 working days, providing there are no further concerns or issues.
In extremely rare cases, Tebex may permanently lock a wallet. This will only be performed in cases of severe breaches of any of our terms, or if the wallet’s balance goes into negative figures as a result of mass chargebacks and/or refunds.
Last updated
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