How To Create A Package

  1. Go to Webstore > Packages.

  2. Click Create Package.

  3. Enter the following options, please note not every option is required:


  1. Name - This is the name of your package which is listed on your webstore.

  2. Description - This is the description of your package and you can use the WYSIWYG editor to customise the text with colours etc.

  3. Image - This is the image of the package which will be displayed on your store. File types allowed on our stores are .jpg, .png and .gif Maximum file size is 5MB.

  4. Price - This is the price customers will pay when purchasing your package.

  5. Expire After - This is the amount of time until the expiry commands are executed.

  6. Purchase Type - If the package is a one-off purchase or a subscription. If you select the subscription option and you are using a gateway/payment method that supports automatic renewals, the renewal time will be based on the above Expire After option.

  7. Category - This is the category in which this package will be listed.

  8. Global Limit - This is the total amount of times this package can be purchased, unless "Do not include packages that have been removed from customers when calculating limits." is enabled.

  9. User Limit - This is the total amount of times a specific customer can purchase this package, unless "Do not include packages that have been removed from customers when calculating limits." is enabled.

  10. Servers - These are the servers on which this package will execute the package commands by default.

  11. Variables - These are the variable you want to ask the customer upon adding the package to their basket.

  12. Required Packages - You can select which packages the customer must have previously purchased to be able to purchase this package.

  13. Create Gift Card Upon Purchase - Enter a gift card value to send to the customer upon purchasing this package (Requires the Enterprise Plan or Plus on Tebex Checkout).

  14. Associate With Community Goal - If you want the purchase of this package to associate with increasing a community goals value.

  15. Allowed Gateways (Legacy platform only) - This is a list of payment gateways that should be allowed to be used to purchase this package. Leave empty if you want all payment gateways to be allowed to be used.

  16. Show Package Until - Enter a date if you wish this package to only be allowed to be purchased until a certain date.

  17. GUI Item - Enter a Minecraft item ID (If you are using Minecraft) to be displayed on the in-game GUI interface.

The next section is where you define which commands the Tebex Plugin should execute on your server when the customer purchases this package.

Once you have entered all the information above, click Create, and you'll now be able to see your brand new package listed on your webstore. Ohh yeah!

Last updated

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