
Tebex Store supports direct integration to your Unturned server by using our official plugin here: https://github.com/tebexio/Tebex-Unturned/releases

You can also download the plugins from the plugin section of the control panel.​

Installing The Unturned Plugin On Your Server

  1. Ensure LDM is installed/the latest version. See below for an installation guide for LDM.

  2. Download the Unturned plugin from the plugins section of the control panel.

  3. Place the plugin file into your plugin directory (by default this is U3DS/Servers/Default/Rocket/Plugins) and start your server.

  4. Type the following command in the console (Replace the secret key with your secret key found on the game servers section of the control panel. Click edit on your server to find the secret key):

tebex:secret your-secret-key

That's everything set up! To check if the plugin has been installed enter the tebex:info command to confirm your store information. Use tebex:help to see a list of all commands.

Installing LDM/RocketMod On Your Unturned Server

RocketMod (also known as Rocket) is the framework used to install mods and plugins to Unturned Servers. Rocket is no longer maintained, so a fork of this project, called LDM (Legally Distinct Missile) is used instead. LDM is compatible with Rocket mods.

  1. Download the latest version of LDM from their GitHub repository here: https://github.com/SmartlyDressedGames/Legally-Distinct-Missile/releases

  2. Open or unzip Rocket.Unturned.zip

  3. Drag and drop all files from Rocket.Unturned.zip to the Modules folder of your Unturned server. This is usually located at U3DS/Modules. After this, installation is completed.

Webhooks / RCON / MySQL Integration

You can also integrate your game server or website using our MySQL, RCON or Webhook integrations.

Connecting An Unturned Server Video Guide

This video will show Ted setting up an Unturned server step by step. If you follow along, you will have your own Unturned server set up in no time.

Last updated

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