Banning & Whitelisting
Banning Customers
If you have suspicions about a customer or you would like to simply prevent them from purchasing on your webstore you can create a ban entry to do just that.
Go to Customers > Bans.
Click Create Your First Ban.
Enter the username of the customer you would like to ban.
Enter an optional IP address of the customer you would like to ban.
Enter a reason for this ban. This will only be shown to you and your team.
Whitelisting Customers
Tebex Checkout - Whitelisting customers will remove seller protection for any future payments. Please also note that chargebacks received without seller protection will incur a $20 USD fee per chargeback.
If a customer has been banned by Tebex Fraud protection and you would like to let them make a purchase on your webstore you can do so by adding them to your whitelist.
Go to Customers > Whitelist.
Click Create Your First Chargeback Whitelist.
Enter the username, IP Address or ID of the customer you wish to whitelist on your webstore.
Enter a note so you can remember why you whitelisted this customer. This is only shown to you and your team.
Last updated